Superman vs. Superwomen

I guess you all know  famous Clark Kent , right? Working good looking reporter and also ofcourse he's also a superhero at fulltime, sort of two full time jobs, and also a perfect lovelife...well not perfect but you know.

My point is, that these days I feel like I belive that I became a superwomen...wich I'm seriously not could be. Typical me...let me explain. I never turn a joboffer down this summer, I almost never ditch a party or a sleep over, no...and sometimes I mix up days because I have been sleeeping way to little and well I think I have forgett that it's only 24 hours a day. Lucky me!

Dead Island and I just arrived

Home sweet home? Thats one way to put it, right. Thats just a few problems,no phone or anyone to talk to= it sucks. Tonight there's no sweet home, just a dead end, with a really pist off girl... me!

I'm seriuosly in a bad mood right know. Remeber my first writing here in this blog? Yeah thats my problem right know, THE guy. If I just could like move on, what's the big deal? What if he's not the problem, what if the problem is me? I guess I'll find out. Anyway my point is I don't wanna be alone!!

Fuck off.

Summerbreak - Work, work, work!

Well now it's not more then twenty days until the summerbreak is over, my last summerbreak.
For those who does not know me that well I had som problem to choose education, so I sort of ended up beeing one year younger.

Anyway this summer became a summer of work and best friends. I have been working at a oldercenter, with old people having a disease called dementia. Dementia meens that these peoople have inpaired memorie.

When I first took the job I thought it would be easy, but my first day I just felt how little I was and well somtimes that sucks. And during the summer I also learn that even these people are old they are string, I sort of collect broses, but it's not as bad as it sounds, an other problem was a women  that frightned med to death, but she got fired, cause noone wanted to work with her, I kind of feel bad, like that was my fould. The last thing i learn was that even men over age 80 have serious problems not beeing horney....well thats it for now.

So long.

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