This is my story..

 I guess everyone have a story to tell , so I guess this is were mine begins!

If you been through a lot, I guess you get used to it, don't you? Somehow thats probably how I became me. You learn how to put things and happenings around the corner and keep them there, and just pretend it never happend.

So this is what happends, and I would like to share this with so many as possible, cause somehow I wish I knew that this happening was never my fould, never.

Imagine you meet this guy, who actually is good looking (ofc.), makes you smile and maybe one day he actually get intressed in you, at least thats what you wish for. You start seeing him, and you actually never really stop, you could but always wished for more and maybe thats also what you got.

There comes THAT moment you'll never forget, your forced to remeber probably your hole life. H'es alloever you and he's eager is one big frustration, the protectention that you used broked and he does not give up, it's like onw big nightmare, and all you wish for is for IT to be over, and suddenly it is, and you never see him again.

This is ME Fia....or whoever is writing.

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