Superman vs. Superwomen

I guess you all know  famous Clark Kent , right? Working good looking reporter and also ofcourse he's also a superhero at fulltime, sort of two full time jobs, and also a perfect lovelife...well not perfect but you know.

My point is, that these days I feel like I belive that I became a superwomen...wich I'm seriously not could be. Typical me...let me explain. I never turn a joboffer down this summer, I almost never ditch a party or a sleep over, no...and sometimes I mix up days because I have been sleeeping way to little and well I think I have forgett that it's only 24 hours a day. Lucky me!

Dead Island and I just arrived

Home sweet home? Thats one way to put it, right. Thats just a few problems,no phone or anyone to talk to= it sucks. Tonight there's no sweet home, just a dead end, with a really pist off girl... me!

I'm seriuosly in a bad mood right know. Remeber my first writing here in this blog? Yeah thats my problem right know, THE guy. If I just could like move on, what's the big deal? What if he's not the problem, what if the problem is me? I guess I'll find out. Anyway my point is I don't wanna be alone!!

Fuck off.

Summerbreak - Work, work, work!

Well now it's not more then twenty days until the summerbreak is over, my last summerbreak.
For those who does not know me that well I had som problem to choose education, so I sort of ended up beeing one year younger.

Anyway this summer became a summer of work and best friends. I have been working at a oldercenter, with old people having a disease called dementia. Dementia meens that these peoople have inpaired memorie.

When I first took the job I thought it would be easy, but my first day I just felt how little I was and well somtimes that sucks. And during the summer I also learn that even these people are old they are string, I sort of collect broses, but it's not as bad as it sounds, an other problem was a women  that frightned med to death, but she got fired, cause noone wanted to work with her, I kind of feel bad, like that was my fould. The last thing i learn was that even men over age 80 have serious problems not beeing horney....well thats it for now.

So long.

This is my story..

 I guess everyone have a story to tell , so I guess this is were mine begins!

If you been through a lot, I guess you get used to it, don't you? Somehow thats probably how I became me. You learn how to put things and happenings around the corner and keep them there, and just pretend it never happend.

So this is what happends, and I would like to share this with so many as possible, cause somehow I wish I knew that this happening was never my fould, never.

Imagine you meet this guy, who actually is good looking (ofc.), makes you smile and maybe one day he actually get intressed in you, at least thats what you wish for. You start seeing him, and you actually never really stop, you could but always wished for more and maybe thats also what you got.

There comes THAT moment you'll never forget, your forced to remeber probably your hole life. H'es alloever you and he's eager is one big frustration, the protectention that you used broked and he does not give up, it's like onw big nightmare, and all you wish for is for IT to be over, and suddenly it is, and you never see him again.

This is ME Fia....or whoever is writing.

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